A tab button is a UI component that is placed inside of a tab bar. The tab button can specify the layout of the icon and label and connect to a tab view.
See the tabs documentation for more details on configuring tabs.
Usage- Angular
- Javascript
- React
- Stencil
- Vue
<ion-tabs> <!-- Tab bar --> <ion-tab-bar slot="bottom"> <ion-tab-button tab="schedule"> <ion-icon name="calendar"></ion-icon> <ion-label>Schedule</ion-label> </ion-tab-button>
<ion-tab-button tab="speakers"> <ion-icon name="person-circle"></ion-icon> <ion-label>Speakers</ion-label> </ion-tab-button>
<ion-tab-button tab="map"> <ion-icon name="map"></ion-icon> <ion-label>Map</ion-label> </ion-tab-button>
<ion-tab-button tab="about"> <ion-icon name="information-circle"></ion-icon> <ion-label>About</ion-label> </ion-tab-button> </ion-tab-bar></ion-tabs>
<ion-tabs> <!-- Tab views --> <ion-tab tab="schedule"> <ion-router-outlet name="schedule"></ion-router-outlet> </ion-tab>
<ion-tab tab="speakers"> <ion-router-outlet name="speakers"></ion-router-outlet> </ion-tab>
<ion-tab tab="map"> <ion-router-outlet name="map"></ion-router-outlet> </ion-tab>
<ion-tab tab="about"> <ion-router-outlet name="about"></ion-router-outlet> </ion-tab>
<!-- Tab bar --> <ion-tab-bar slot="bottom"> <ion-tab-button tab="schedule" href="/app/tabs/(schedule:schedule)"> <ion-icon name="calendar"></ion-icon> <ion-label>Schedule</ion-label> </ion-tab-button>
<ion-tab-button tab="speakers" href="/app/tabs/(speakers:speakers)"> <ion-icon name="person-circle"></ion-icon> <ion-label>Speakers</ion-label> </ion-tab-button>
<ion-tab-button tab="map" href="/app/tabs/(map:map)"> <ion-icon name="map"></ion-icon> <ion-label>Map</ion-label> </ion-tab-button>
<ion-tab-button tab="about" href="/app/tabs/(about:about)"> <ion-icon name="information-circle"></ion-icon> <ion-label>About</ion-label> </ion-tab-button> </ion-tab-bar></ion-tabs>
import React from 'react';import { IonTabs, IonTabBar, IonTabButton, IonIcon, IonLabel, IonContent } from '@ionic/react';import { calendar, personCircle, map, informationCircle } from 'ionicons/icons';
export const TabButtonExample: React.FC = () => ( <IonContent> <IonTabs> {/*-- Tab bar --*/} <IonTabBar slot="bottom"> <IonTabButton tab="schedule"> <IonIcon icon={calendar} /> <IonLabel>Schedule</IonLabel> </IonTabButton>
<IonTabButton tab="speakers"> <IonIcon icon={personCircle} /> <IonLabel>Speakers</IonLabel> </IonTabButton>
<IonTabButton tab="map"> <IonIcon icon={map} /> <IonLabel>Map</IonLabel> </IonTabButton>
<IonTabButton tab="about"> <IonIcon icon={informationCircle} /> <IonLabel>About</IonLabel> </IonTabButton> </IonTabBar> </IonTabs> </IonContent>);
import { Component, h } from '@stencil/core';
@Component({ tag: 'tab-button-example', styleUrl: 'tab-button-example.css'})export class TabButtonExample { render() { return [ <ion-tabs> {/* Tab views */} <ion-tab tab="schedule"> <ion-router-outlet name="schedule"></ion-router-outlet> </ion-tab>
<ion-tab tab="speakers"> <ion-router-outlet name="speakers"></ion-router-outlet> </ion-tab>
<ion-tab tab="map"> <ion-router-outlet name="map"></ion-router-outlet> </ion-tab>
<ion-tab tab="about"> <ion-router-outlet name="about"></ion-router-outlet> </ion-tab>
{/* Tab bar */} <ion-tab-bar slot="bottom"> <ion-tab-button tab="schedule" href="/app/tabs/(schedule:schedule)"> <ion-icon name="calendar"></ion-icon> <ion-label>Schedule</ion-label> </ion-tab-button>
<ion-tab-button tab="speakers" href="/app/tabs/(speakers:speakers)"> <ion-icon name="person-circle"></ion-icon> <ion-label>Speakers</ion-label> </ion-tab-button>
<ion-tab-button tab="map" href="/app/tabs/(map:map)"> <ion-icon name="map"></ion-icon> <ion-label>Map</ion-label> </ion-tab-button>
<ion-tab-button tab="about" href="/app/tabs/(about:about)"> <ion-icon name="information-circle"></ion-icon> <ion-label>About</ion-label> </ion-tab-button> </ion-tab-bar> </ion-tabs> ]; }}
<template> <ion-tabs> <!-- Tab bar --> <ion-tab-bar slot="bottom"> <ion-tab-button tab="schedule" href="/tabs/schedule"> <ion-icon :icon="calendar"></ion-icon> <ion-label>Schedule</ion-label> </ion-tab-button>
<ion-tab-button tab="speakers" href="/tabs/speakers"> <ion-icon :icon="person-circle"></ion-icon> <ion-label>Speakers</ion-label> </ion-tab-button>
<ion-tab-button tab="map" href="/tabs/map"> <ion-icon :icon="map"></ion-icon> <ion-label>Map</ion-label> </ion-tab-button>
<ion-tab-button tab="about" href="/tabs/about"> <ion-icon :icon="informationCircle"></ion-icon> <ion-label>About</ion-label> </ion-tab-button> </ion-tab-bar> </ion-tabs></template>
<script>import { IonIcon, IonLabel, IonTabBar, IonTabButton, IonTabs} from '@ionic/vue';import { calendar, informationCircle, map, personCircle } from 'ionicons/icons';import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
export default defineComponent({ components: { IonIcon, IonLabel, IonTabBar, IonTabButton, IonTabs }, setup() { return { calendar, informationCircle, map, personCircle } }});</script>
disabledDescription | If true , the user cannot interact with the tab button. |
Attribute | disabled |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
downloadDescription | This attribute instructs browsers to download a URL instead of navigating to it, so the user will be prompted to save it as a local file. If the attribute has a value, it is used as the pre-filled file name in the Save prompt (the user can still change the file name if they want). |
Attribute | download |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
hrefDescription | Contains a URL or a URL fragment that the hyperlink points to. If this property is set, an anchor tag will be rendered. |
Attribute | href |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
layoutDescription | Set the layout of the text and icon in the tab bar. It defaults to 'icon-top' . |
Attribute | layout |
Type | "icon-bottom" | "icon-end" | "icon-hide" | "icon-start" | "icon-top" | "label-hide" | undefined |
Default | undefined |
modeDescription | The mode determines which platform styles to use. |
Attribute | mode |
Type | "ios" | "md" |
Default | undefined |
relDescription | Specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object. The value is a space-separated list of link types. |
Attribute | rel |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
selectedDescription | The selected tab component |
Attribute | selected |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
tabDescription | A tab id must be provided for each ion-tab . It's used internally to referencethe selected tab or by the router to switch between them. |
Attribute | tab |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
targetDescription | Specifies where to display the linked URL. Only applies when an href is provided.Special keywords: "_blank" , "_self" , "_parent" , "_top" . |
Attribute | target |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
CSS Shadow PartsName | Description |
native | The native HTML anchor element that wraps all child elements. |
CSS Custom PropertiesName | Description |
--background | Background of the tab button |
--background-focused | Background of the tab button when focused with the tab key |
--background-focused-opacity | Opacity of the tab button background when focused with the tab key |
--color | Color of the tab button |
--color-focused | Color of the tab button when focused with the tab key |
--color-selected | Color of the selected tab button |
--padding-bottom | Bottom padding of the tab button |
--padding-end | Right padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the tab button |
--padding-start | Left padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the tab button |
--padding-top | Top padding of the tab button |
--ripple-color | Color of the button ripple effect |