Backdrops are full screen components that overlay other components. They are useful behind components that transition in on top of other content and can be used to dismiss that component.
Usage- Angular
- Javascript
- React
- Stencil
- Vue
<!-- Default backdrop --><ion-backdrop></ion-backdrop>
<!-- Backdrop that is not tappable --><ion-backdrop tappable="false"></ion-backdrop>
<!-- Backdrop that is not visible --><ion-backdrop visible="false"></ion-backdrop>
<!-- Backdrop with propagation --><ion-backdrop stopPropagation="false"></ion-backdrop>
<!-- Backdrop that sets dynamic properties --><ion-backdrop [tappable]="enableBackdropDismiss" [visible]="showBackdrop" [stopPropagation]="shouldPropagate"></ion-backdrop>
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
@Component({ selector: 'backdrop-example', templateUrl: 'backdrop-example.html', styleUrls: ['./backdrop-example.css'],})export class BackdropExample { enableBackdropDismiss = false; showBackdrop = false; shouldPropagate = false;}
<!-- Default backdrop --><ion-backdrop></ion-backdrop>
<!-- Backdrop that is not tappable --><ion-backdrop tappable="false"></ion-backdrop>
<!-- Backdrop that is not visible --><ion-backdrop visible="false"></ion-backdrop>
<!-- Backdrop with propagation --><ion-backdrop stop-propagation="false"></ion-backdrop>
<!-- Backdrop that sets dynamic properties --><ion-backdrop id="customBackdrop"></ion-backdrop>
var backdrop = document.getElementById('customBackdrop');backdrop.visible = false;backdrop.tappable = false;backdrop.stopPropagation = false;
import React from 'react';import { IonBackdrop, IonContent } from '@ionic/react';
export const BackdropExample: React.FC = () => ( <IonContent> {/*-- Default backdrop --*/} <IonBackdrop />
{/*-- Backdrop that is not tappable --*/} <IonBackdrop tappable={false} />
{/*-- Backdrop that is not visible --*/} <IonBackdrop visible={false} />
{/*-- Backdrop with propagation --*/} <IonBackdrop stopPropagation={false} />
<IonBackdrop tappable={true} visible={true} stopPropagation={true} /> </IonContent>);
import { Component, h } from '@stencil/core';
@Component({ tag: 'backdrop-example', styleUrl: 'backdrop-example.css'})export class BackdropExample { render() { const enableBackdropDismiss = false; const showBackdrop = false; const shouldPropagate = false;
return [ // Default backdrop <ion-backdrop></ion-backdrop>,
// Backdrop that is not tappable <ion-backdrop tappable={false}></ion-backdrop>,
// Backdrop that is not visible <ion-backdrop visible={false}></ion-backdrop>,
// Backdrop with propagation <ion-backdrop stopPropagation={false}></ion-backdrop>,
// Backdrop that sets dynamic properties <ion-backdrop tappable={enableBackdropDismiss} visible={showBackdrop} stopPropagation={shouldPropagate}> </ion-backdrop> ]; }}
<template> <!-- Default backdrop --> <ion-backdrop></ion-backdrop>
<!-- Backdrop that is not tappable --> <ion-backdrop tappable="false"></ion-backdrop>
<!-- Backdrop that is not visible --> <ion-backdrop visible="false"></ion-backdrop>
<!-- Backdrop with propagation --> <ion-backdrop stop-propagation="false"></ion-backdrop>
<!-- Backdrop that sets dynamic properties --> <ion-backdrop :tappable="enableBackdropDismiss" :visible="showBackdrop" :stop-propagation="shouldPropagate"> </ion-backdrop></template>
<script>import { IonBackdrop } from '@ionic/vue';import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
export default defineComponent({ components: { IonBackdrop }, setup() { return { enableBackdropDismiss: true, showBackdrop: true, shouldPropagate: true } }});</script>
stopPropagationDescription | If true , the backdrop will stop propagation on tap. |
Attribute | stop-propagation |
Type | boolean |
Default | true |
tappableDescription | If true , the backdrop will can be clicked and will emit the ionBackdropTap event. |
Attribute | tappable |
Type | boolean |
Default | true |
visibleDescription | If true , the backdrop will be visible. |
Attribute | visible |
Type | boolean |
Default | true |
EventsName | Description |
ionBackdropTap | Emitted when the backdrop is tapped. |